Saturday, August 15, 2009

What's Up With the Doc 70? - Helping Hands

I know it hasn't been a week, but something pretty remarkable happened last night and I wanted to share it with you. I was lying in bed just after 10 pm and in quite a lot of pain. I was waiting for my Ibuprofen and rescue oxycodone to work. While I was lying there, I decided to see if I could put all the good thoughts and prayers and hopes you send to good use. So I visualized them all as hands - mothers' and fathers' hands, siblings' and friends' hands, children's and elder's hands - and allowed them to lift me and let me feel weightless. I imagined them gently stroking the lines of my face, gently rubbing my back, neck and shoulders and deeply massaging my feet and hands. Before long I was pain-free and able to go to sleep and slept, with only one bathroom interruption, until my alarm woke me at 6 am (for more medicine). I could easily have awakened my husband or gone to one of my children's rooms, but that would have required physical effort on my part and then, "not quite so hard." or, "a little harder, please," or, "a little to the left," or ,"just a little longer, please." Instead, I got exactly what I wanted for just as long as I wanted it. So thank you all for the thought and prayers and hopes that turned into helping hands for me last night. They were a great comfort.


1 comment:

Holly said...

i feel privileged to have been of service...these loving hands with touches of grace are yours whenever you require them....